Kevin Colindres
2 min readJul 12, 2018


Unused sweater design by Erwin Miciano

SEMI CIRCLE Full of Winners

A lot of people ask me, what is SEMI CIRCLE [Sem-EYE Circle]?

It’s a clothing brand, a music collective, a group of ballers but most importantly a collective of friends with endless talents. We don’t like to label ourselves as one thing. One day we might be working on a mixtape and the other day we might be filming a short film, it’s whatever feels right.

Erwin Miciano, Joshua Miciano, Kevin Colindres, Evan Pucio and Rajan Rahman. These guys are my family.

There are many that have come and gone, yet they still represent SEMI. It is a collective more than a secluded group, everyone is welcome.

We started as a clothing brand, and transitioned to new things. It was never about the money, it was about an idea. We had a voice in our city. People wear our clothing, representing what SEMI means.

Some of you may have seen the tattoo on my right arm.


This is our original logo created by Erwin Miciano. The Japanese kanji characters represent a supportive surrounding leaning towards our ideas of nurture and foundation, and how we are brought up. The physical SEMI CIRCLE, located at Glendale’s Herbert Hoover High School, is just an empty sitting arrangement structure made for students. It was the connections that were made between us within the circle that created SEMI CIRCLE and held us true to our values.

The original Semi Circle located at Herbert Hoover High school.

Our goal is to connect and link with open minded artists in order to create a conglomerate of creativity that one day will influence at a historical extent.

Semi is still growing. We will stay to be that brick structure that supports growing relationships. We continue to meet unique individuals in different parts of the world, because we were and will always be about the people.

We have a mixtape coming this summer. Be ready. Thank you to everyone who has ever helped, supported and encouraged us. We love you.



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